The idea behind this post came to me earlier today so I thought I would strike while the inspiration was fresh.
I have been struggling physically and mentally lately. I thought it may do me good to look each week (or so) at the little things that have helped to make my life brighter and the small achievements I have made.
1. I sewed my stay home club patch on my ukulele bag this week. It’s gradually getting filled up with nice things and looks less like the boring black bag I brought.
2. I’ve been using some tiny cat stickers I brought off of ebay for 99p to decorate my diary and plan for future events. My diary is by Flow and is absolutely beautiful. It’s helped me feel more centered to have things to plan and look forward to as well as stopping those awful “have I double booked myself?” panics. I find having cute things to plan with really soothing – it appears to my stationery geek side as well as my inner administrator/secretary!
3. The new Sleater-Kinney album arrived in my mailbox today and I’m really enjoying it so far although I’m kinda letting it wash over me rather than focusing on the lyrics as yet. I’m so excited to see them when the tour the UK in London and Manchester.
4. Libraries! Oh how I love you. I am lucky to have a couple that I can visit. This is my currently to read/reading pile. I love being able to find stuff I never knew existed as well as things I have wanted to read for a while. I’ve been keeping a list in the back of my diary of things to look forward to. My city’s library has a really good online catalog too.
Till next time…